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Jim Morris: Inspiration Personified

Jim Morris “The Rookie”: Inspiration Personified – Dynamo Fitness

I have many motivations for staying in shape. When I was young, I was skinny, and like a lot of skinny teenage boys I wanted to be muscular, so my idol at the time was Arnold Schwarzenegger (Hey, it was the 80s).

As I’ve gotten older and become less focused on size and strength and more on overall fitness, I’ve also discovered the many health benefits of exercise as we age.

You Can Be Fit and Strong at Any Age

I’ll be 53 next month, but most people I meet think I look about 40, and I feel even younger than that. Most of my friends my age have some kind of chronic health problems requiring treatment or medication. I don’t have a thing wrong with me.

I feel great and I have no health problems at all. People around me get sick and I might get a sniffle that lasts for literally a few hours before I feel fine again. Believe me, as you age, good health becomes increasingly important.

Who is Jim Morris? Strong at Pitch and Inspiring in Every Field

Jim Morris is a former professional baseball player who is best known for his incredible story of making his MLB debut at the age of 35. Born in Brownwood, Texas, Morris was a talented pitcher in high school, playing for Reagan County High School. However, he did not pursue a career in baseball after graduating, instead becoming a teacher and baseball coach.

He attended Syracuse University and earned a degree in film, later going on to work for Lucas Digital Ltd, and serving as president of Pixar Animation Studios. He has also overseen the visual effects for films and commercials, as well as produced commercials and feature films.

In the late 1990s, while coaching a high school baseball team in Texas, made a promise to his team. Morris says, if they won the district championship, he would try out for the major leagues.

The team won the championship, and Morris kept his promise, attending a tryout for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Despite being 35 years old, Morris was able to throw pitches at 98 mph, catching the attention of the team’s general manager.

Jim Morris’ story is truly a great one, and it is no surprise that many people are interested in him as a fitness idol. Morris is a testament to the fact that it is never too late to chase your dreams, and his dedication to his craft and ability to overcome arm surgeries to make it to the major leagues is truly inspiring.

They sent Morris to the minor leagues, and he delivered solid performances with the Durham Bulls. In 1999, the Tampa Bay Devil Rays gave him a chance to pitch in the major leagues. On September 18, Morris made his debut at MLB, becoming the oldest rookie in the league at the time.

However, Morris’ arm problems recurred and his final appearance came on September 26. He issued a game-ending walk to his first batter. His arm problems eventually led to his retirement from professional baseball.

jim morris 78 year old bodybuilder

Why is Jim Morris my Hero?

Today, I have a new hero. His name is Jim Morris. It’s likely you’ve never heard of him, although he has many accomplishments to his name. He competed opposite Arnold in his younger days, won the Mr. America title at the age of 37, and has many bodybuilding records that still stand to this day. At one point, he was even a bodyguard for Elton John.

While I’m a dedicated meat eater myself, at the age of 50 Jim Morris became a vegetarian, and then, 15 years later, a vegan. He also continued to work out religiously throughout his life.

Every time I feel my motivation waning, every day when the alarm goes off at 5am and I think about how nice it would be to roll over and go back to sleep instead of working out, I think about Jim and that gets me moving.

I have a choice. I can keep looking after myself and stay young for decades to come, or I can quit and get old, sick, and weak. There is no middle ground. Do you also need some motivation? Read our Motivational Monday posts.

So, Jim Morris, thank you. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. With your example to follow I have no doubt, I’ll still be in great shape when I’m old, with all the health benefits that go with that.

This is Jim Morris at the age of 78 posing for an ad for PETA. “Wow!” Just “Wow!” I look at this picture and I say to myself “In another 25 years, that’s going to be me!”


Jim Morris passed away at the age of 80 in 2016. Congratulations on a life well lived, Jim.

Please note that Dynamo Fitness neither endorses nor advises against vegan and vegetarian diets. Always consult your physician before making any significant changes to your diet.

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Will Dove

Will is a lifelong fitness nut. He started exercising religiously at the age of 16. Now 52, he still works out 5 times per week and maintains a body fat percentage in the single digits. Will is passionate about helping others to achieve their fitness and body image goals, and believes that most people fail to achieve these goals, not through a lack of self-discipline, but through a simple lack of knowledge.